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Flora Fauna is a labor of love, created by and for young creatives. By donating to Flora Fauna, you’ll be supporting:

  • A platform for underrepresented voices in the creative industry

  • The development of new and innovative content, including art, writing, and music

  • A community that fosters collaboration, feedback, and growth for young creatives

  • The creation of a sustainable and accessible digital magazine, free from ads and corporate influence

Your donation will help us cover costs such as web hosting, software, and marketing, ensuring that Flora Fauna can continue to thrive and inspire a new generation of creatives. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to a more vibrant and diverse creating landscape.



Everything is romantic. This month I am inspired by lyricism and poetry. My pop girlies still appear do not fret. Lots of Karissa Love and Adrianne Lenker.

Anything with Rachel Sennott is on my watchlist. This film was incredible from start to finish.

This show could have been fun if it weren’t so evil? I know everyone wants another season, but I do not believe it will have another group as successful as Katseye.

Here lies writings of blues and yellows, opinion pieces, and more. These writings did not fit into a particular theme so we have them published here.

You can also find all of Daisy’s ramblings on her substack.