Make sure to read the submission rules before submitting any work.

Issue VI: The Table of Bacchus

In an age of excess, we invite you to explore the depths of hedonism. Flora Fauna seeks submissions that delve into the intoxicating allure of pleasure, consumption, and the human desire for more. Inspired by the god of wine and revelry, Dionysus/Bacchus, we challenge you to confront the contemporary manifestations of this ancient archetype.

From the gilded cages of consumerism to the euphoric highs of digital escapism, we want to see how you interpret the excesses of our time. How does the pursuit of pleasure intersect with environmental concerns, cultural expectations, and personal fulfillment?

Let your imagination run wild. We seek work that is both lavish and critical, beautiful and grotesque, intoxicating and revelatory.

Why to Submit

Submitting your work is an incredibly important way to begin your career as a creative. Flora Fauna is a literary, fashion, and art magazine constantly accepting submissions from all kinds of artists. We believe artists should be able to publish their art without having to worry about money. This is an entirely fee-free submission process.

Flora Fauna’s main goal is to be a stepping stone for aspiring creatives. Run by fellow young creatives, our magazine has been specifically dedicated to amplifying the voices and talents of our generation. By submitting to Flora Fauna, you’ll be part of a community that values innovation, self-expression and collaboration.

Our magazine is a space where you can share your unique perspective, experiment with new ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. Whether you’re a writer, artist, photographer, or musician, we want to see your work!

By submitting to Flora Fauna, you’ll:

  • Get published in a magazine run by and for young creatives

  • Connect with a community of like-minded individuals

  • Gain exposure for your work

  • Contribute to a platform that values innovation and self-expression

  • Be part of a movement that’s shaping the future of art and culture

When to Submit

Submission dates are open on the 1st-30th of every other month.

Flexible Deadline: While we prefer submissions during the open period, we understand that creativity doesn’t always follow a schedule. If you need a bit more time, feel free to submit through email us. However, forms close on the 30th. We cannot guarantee a space in the magazine for late submissions.

FOLLOW US: Keep up with our latest issues, themes, and news on our website and social media channels. Sign up for our newsletters for more.

We aim to respond within 1-3 weeks.


With each submission, please include a brief bio (50-75 words) and contact information.

What we’re looking for:

  • Original, unpublished writing (fiction, poetry, essays, and more)

  • High-quality artwork, illustrations, and photography

  • Submissions inspired by our theme (check our website for current theme)

    Poetry Guidelines:

  • Submit 1-5 poems

  • No more than 10 pages total

    Prose Guidelines:

  • Submit 1 piece

  • No more than 5,000 words

    Artwork Guidelines:

  • Submit 1-5 pieces

  • High-resolution JPEG or PNG files

    Photography Guidelines:

  • Submit 1-5 photos

  • High-resolution JPEG or PNG files

  • Include a caption or brief description of the photo (optional)

    any submissions that do not follow guidelines will immediately be disqualified.



  • Email submissions to

  • Use ‘Submissions: [YOUR NAME]” as subject line

  • Attach your work as a Word document (writing), image files (artwork and photography), or a PDF (if submitting multiple pieces)


  • Fill out the form as follows

Author’s Rights & Responsibilities

Copyright: The author retains the copyright to their work. Flora Fauna has the right to publish and distribute the work in digital & print format.

Right to Publish: The author grants Flora Fauna the non-exclusive right to publish their work in the magazine.

Right to Edit: Flora Fauna reserves the right to edit the work for clarity, grammar, and punctuation.

Right to Withdraw: The author may withdraw their work from the magazine at any time, but must provide written notice to Flora Fauna.

Responsibility for Content: The author is responsible for the content of their work and ensures that it does not infringe on the rights of others.

Credit and Attribution: Flora Fauna will credit the author for their work and provide a brief bio and contact information (if provided).

Reuse and Reproduction: The author may reuse and reproduce their work in other publications, but must acknowledge prior publication in Flora Fauna.

Compensation: The author will not receive monetary compensation for their work, but will receive a digital copy of the magazine and promotion on Flora Fauna’s social media channels.

Term: This agreement is valid for the duration of the magazine’s publication and distribution.

We do NOT accept simultaneous submissions. Please wait for a response from us before submitting your work elsewhere.

By submitting their work to Flora Fauna, the author agrees to these terms and conditions.